20 February 2012

Nearly Flying

Manes (Norway)
May 2003

Goddamn, it's one of those mornings today. No sleep last night, uncomfortable dreams poking their way into my unwilling head, early to work this morning, you know how it is. I had another post all worked out for today but I'm scrapping that one for this one. I need a pick-me-up, and considering I had the best day snowboarding on the weekend, I couldn't pick a better album than Manes' 2003 turning point album
Vilosophe. The easy gliding electronic influences like a velvet shroud blanketing the frigid blackened core goes down so naturally while sliding down a frozen mountain. And it tends to get me thinking no matter how rough my morning could get, no matter how hard my hangover can dictate my thought process and motor skills, it could be worse. That clever beast of Irony never fails to slap a cheeky smirk on my face. Is that the best you got? I'm still standing and shit will still get done. By the time "Diving with Your Hands Bound" slogs its way through one hell of a snow storm, I can reflect a bit easier, 'cuz its you and I, baby. You and I fought everyone. You and I forever. Stop it now, come, let's go...

nodamnbrakes by Manes on Grooveshark
diving with your hands bound by Manes on Grooveshark
white devil black shroud by Manes on Grooveshark
terminus a quo terminus ad que by Manes on Grooveshark
death of the genuine by Manes on Grooveshark
ende by Manes on Grooveshark
the hardest of comedowns by Manes on Grooveshark
confluence by Manes on Grooveshark

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